

客服熱線:88882888, 13906192326

首 頁»資質資格»翻譯資格


瀏覽: 5681發(fā)布: 2007-11-30


    國際口筆譯高等教育機構常設會議(International Permanent Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters)于2007年25-26日在瑞士日內瓦召開2007年論壇,論壇主題為“新需求,新譯者”(New Needs, New Translators)。論壇邀請了國際翻譯教育界的眾多知名人士參加。北京外國語大學高級翻譯學員院長王立第參加了論壇。

    國際譯聯(lián)執(zhí)行委員、司庫Anne Verbeke女士受邀代表國際譯聯(lián)出席論壇,向與會人員介紹了2008年將在中國上海召開的第18屆世界翻譯大會的情況。在CIUTI主席Hannelore Lee-Jahnke教授的幫助下, 論壇期間專設展臺展示了中國譯協(xié)提供的大會一號公報、大會通訊等宣傳材料,取得了良好的宣傳效果。

2007 CIUTI Forum held in Geneva

The 2007 CIUTI Forum - "New Needs, New Translators" is held in Geneva on 25 and 26 January 2007. FIT Treasurer  Anne Verbeke was invited to attend the forum on behalf of FIT, and introduced the upcoming XVIII FIT World Congress to the participants. Thanks to the help of Prof. Hannelore Lee-Jahnke, President of CIUTI, promotional materials of the 2008 FIT World Congress mailed by Translators Association of China were made available to participants during the forum.


88882888, 13906192326
